#father #
Every Third Sunday in June we let our Dads know how much we love them. Father's Day is a day of honoring fatherhood and paternal bonds, as well as the influence of fathers in society. I acknowledge that it may not be a joyous occasion for everyone. I am blessed to still have my father, Joseph Stevens, Sr. and let me say Happy Father’s Day! I love you and I thank God for you! If your Dad is no longer here or not in relationship with him, my thoughts and prayers are with you. As I reflect on Father’s Day, I remember the little boy who hit a home run early last month during baseball practice. The proud papa cheered louder than anyone else as the little boy rounded the bases. “Yeah, let’s go!” At the end, Dad said “You did it,

” as he picked up his son. I know the little boy felt the love and joy of making his Dad so happy. I love to make my Dad and Mom proud. Just imagine what we could accomplish for the Kingdom if we put in the extra practice time, study time, and obeyed God — not so we could earn His love — but to spend more time with Him and just to make Him happy! Father God delights in us. One day I want to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You made it — I knew you could do it!” Happy Father's Day!
Thank you Sister Charlene for that message of freedom! I needed that!