Several countries celebrate Mother’s Day on the 2nd Sunday in May. Because it is an official holiday designed to honor mothers, it can be both a source of great joy and deep sorrow. I am blessed abundantly to have my Mama, Jean Stevens, and to also have our family friend, Mother Patricia O’Nery, but both of my grandmothers are deceased. I still remember my maternal grandmother but my paternal grandmother died before I was born. I remember vividly where I was the day I found out I was going to be a mother. Mama and I were sitting in the lobby at the hospital for an outpatient procedure. She was going to drive me home afterward, but beforehand, the nurse said, “Congratulations, you’re expecting.” I WASN’T expecting to hear that! I think we spent the rest of the day on the phone sharing the exciting news. Then my source of great joy, Paul Jr., was born. Maybe you are a mother or grandmother. Maybe you are a stepmother, an aunt, sister, cousin, or another relative. Even if you never had children of your own, you can still have a special bond with children in your life. Mothers have the honor and huge responsibility to nurture, care for, think about, and teach. Mothers are gifts to the world. They are a part of God's creative process to bless the world. Like Fathers (we will celebrate you next month!), Mothers are created to produce. So here's a beautiful truth: God gave each of us the ability to give birth to our dreams, goals, and aspirations. We are designed to give birth to fresh ideas, inventions, books, companies, and families. I mentioned in WHEN I WAS 40 that writing a book had been on my heart for almost ten years before I typed the first word. Every person I shared it with was supportive and encouraging. They agreed with me that I needed to write a book because they knew my story. You have to be careful about who you share your dreams with, and share them with those who will help you produce. Remember Joseph? Read Genesis 37-47. From the time the thought is planted to the day of manifestation, there will always be waiting and preparation periods. The process will not always be easy, and you may feel like giving up---but please do not give up. It is most likely the time for manifestation, just when you feel like giving up. Take a moment to think and reflect. Go way back, if you have to. What ideas have you been waiting on and why? What have you been thinking and journaling about? Write that vision and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:2). Pray about it and do the work necessary to produce. Share it with people who can push you forward and help you give birth. I hope and pray it does not take you ten years as it took me. You can start on it today, and when it gets here, God can use it to change the whole world. It’s time for you to give birth.
