Hello and welcome!
Just in case this is your first visit, let me re-introduce myself. I’m Charlene Stevens- Jenkins, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with the Veteran Health Administration, and the volunteer ministry leader for Celebrate Recovery (CR) at Live Oak Church in Hinesville, GA. I love what I do in the workplace and in my church.
CR is a Christian-based 12 Step Program where we rely on Jesus to help us work through issues, problems, habits, strongholds, setbacks, hurts, bitterness, and whatever past or current struggles we may have. In addition to the 12 Steps, we also have 8 recovery principles taken from the Bible.
We just completed Principle 5: Voluntarily submit to every change God wants to make in my life and humbly ask him to remove my character defects (Matthew 5:6), and Step 7: We humbly asked him to remove all our shortcomings (1 John 1:9). Our most recent lessons were Ready and Victory. Each week, we alternate testimonies and guest speakers in between the lessons. I believe you will learn something very valuable for yourself or for someone else.
When I think about ‘ready and victory,’ I remember when I was 10-12 years old running track with the Liberty County Recreation Department. I felt so good to win ribbons at the track meets, but before we could get the ribbons the coach made us do the hard work by training and practicing. If I was not ready, I could not win first place. No, I didn’t always win first, but I made it to the district and state championships all three years. I look back with fond memories, but of course I’m not still running 50s and 100s. I enjoy walking but I don’t run sprints anymore!
I’m on a spiritual journey where I am not competing against anyone. Truth is we can make it to the finish line together. We face challenges, obstacles, issues, problems, and setbacks. It’s so easy to get caught up in those things, become overwhelmed, weighed down, and lose sight of the final destination. I’m heaven bound, and if you are too, then we have to remember that life is not going to be easy every day.
Principle 5 and Step 7 remind me that I need to allow God to remove my character defects and shortcomings. How can He do that? First, I have to continue to do my part, which is to spend time in God’s Word to learn life’s principles and practices, seek His guidance, quietly wait for instructions, and respond in following His promptings. All of these things will help me to get rid of my tendencies and ways that cause more harm than good. When I allow God to remove my shortcomings, I will become more useful for Him and more of a light to the world. If I’m not leading people to God, where am I taking them? Also, the more I make myself ready by allowing God to remove my defects of character (those things that slow me down), THEN I am more prepared to walk in victory as I face any challenges, obstacles and difficulties. My final word of encouragement is this: Let’s keep going forward and keep our eyes on the prize (Philippians 3:14). An audience is watching us. Those who have no hope are watching us. All who are lost and need a relationship with God are watching us. Let’s not do anything to be applauded and praised by people. Let’s do what we do to give glory to God and to hear Him say, “Well done…”.
We’re excited about CR and invite you to visit with us on Mondays, 7pm to 9 pm, Live Oak Church, 296 Live Oak Church Rd, Hinesville GA.
For my other blogs, visit charlenestevensjenkins.com. Reach out if you have questions or comments. DM me. Let’s communicate. I’m here to encourage, inspire and motivate. I’m praying for you.